International Forum

Yaroslavl, April 22-23, 2014

Forum 2014
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The plenary meeting “Development step – 2025: space of educational opportunities”


April 22, 2014


Yastrebov S.N., Yaroslavl Region governor. Greeting of participants and  opening of the Forum

CEC, great hall

Tretiak N.V., first deputy of Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. About the project concept  “New School in Russia 2020”.

Frumin I.D., scientific supervisor in the Institute of Advancement of Education at “Higher School of Economics”. “New resources for achieving educational results”

Bolotov V.A., the President of Eurasian Association of Quality Monitoring in Education, member of Academy of Sciences. About the project of complex programme for increasing of teacher professional development level in academic school.

Rachevsky E.L., director of educational center №548  “Tsaritsyno” (Moscow), People's Teacher of Russia.

About  teacher occupational standard in Russian Federation.

Kaganov V.Sh., deputy minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. About the project of Inter-institutional Board on developing of supplementary education in Russian Federation.

Asmolov A.G., director of Federal Institute of Advancement of Education, Doctor of Phycology, member of Russian Academy of Sciences. “Motivating world: development strategy of open informal education as the basic trend of social studies in web-based century.


coffee break

CEC, foyer of the 1st floor

Yaroslavl welcomes its guests!
Information for participants
Contact information

Phone: +7 (4852) 21-22-59




Contact persons:

Tatiana Apollonova
